Member-only story
Rebuilding my happiness
(this post was originally written 4 years ago but never published)
After a couple days of random melt downs due mainly to shock and lack of understanding, I decided that I was done with it. I had to move on. I couldn’t let something that I can’t control or change get me down any more.
I’m an optimist.
An optimist is a person with a positive outlook on life
I had to redirect my time and energy to being happy with what I could. My friends. My new job (I get to modify wordpress themes!!). Songs by my favourite artists. Sour cream (lactose-free of course).
Catching up on my tv shows that I fell behind on. Did you know The Walking Dead came back?!
I did my taxes. Well, I got my tax stuff together and my dad did my taxes. I started a new freelance project. I chopped my hair off. Well, my hairdresser cut four inches off and then wouldn’t go shorter. (Thank you for knowing better than I do!)
I bought Star Wars kids lunch snacks. I bought a large canvas to paint and hang over my bed.
My friends started a group chat where we only send gifs.
I went to early bird dinner with my roommate, because we could. We watched Playground because it makes us laugh.