Title=”GIS” & and how to style them

Erika in Glasses
3 min readSep 22, 2016

Late last night, ie. 10:50pm, I was trying to finish up my week 1 project and came across an issue that I could not find the answer for in my notes.

I am trying to finish my project before the weekend, as I will be away most of it watching a baseball game in Detroit and celebrating my dad’s birthday.

Trying to read my notes and index page were not helping as I couldn’t remember what the attribute I was looking for was called.

I’m working on my portfolio page and have included a map pointer icon in my list of skills, as I have a certificate in GIS and love maps. But this icon does not fit in with all my dev icons and decided I wanted people to be able to hover over my icons and see what they mean.

But I couldn’t remember what it was called.

I had tried adding alt to my icon elements but nothing was showing when hovering over the icon. So I reached out to my group on Slack. My fellow students. Asking if anyone knew what I was talking about.

And within seconds I had the answer from two of them; title. I was looking for the title attribute.

The title attribute allows for a small box with copy to appear when you hover over an item, in this case the box would say Tell the user how this works. And it works on icon tags! Which is great! Because now someone can hover over my map point icon and see that it means GIS without me having to add titles under my icons (which I have done but they are hidden to…



Erika in Glasses

Web developer. Twitch Affiliate (erikainglasses). Youtuber. Olympic lifter. I write about code and streamer.